The Most Advanced And Customizable Billing Platform In The Industry
Resolve, our proprietary billing platform, and Discover, our robust web-based business intelligence (BI) tool, provides radiology practices with customizable, on-demand dashboards and reporting tools. When developing our platform, we focused on several key requirements that we knew were important to our clients:
High Performance
Tom Schovee
Tom has been the CEO at MBMS since 2004, overseeing the company with a leadership approach that focuses on process, performance, and innovation.
Platform Features And Benefits

MBMS’s TeamTechnology®
MBMS’s TeamTechnology® embodies the very best technology driven by our dedicated billing teams. TeamTechnology® enables MBMS to deliver what matters most to your practice.
TeamTechnology® is the core of what makes MBMS stand out in our industry. We get to know our clients, their challenges, and their goals to create CUSTOMIZED TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS that help them achieve better results.