What Is The MBMS MIPS Scorecard?
At MBMS, we recognize that every practice is unique, and therefore, our MIPS Team expertly guides each client through this complicated process to make sure that they are compliant with all facets of the program. Our clients have been extremely successful in achieving exceptional performance by meeting the highest-scoring thresholds, therefore accelerating their upward payment adjustments to the maximum level for each of the MIPS performance years. MBMS provides clients with an intuitive MBMS MIPS scorecard that projects a composite performance score (CPS) for the current MIPS performance year. This scorecard assists clients in building a continuous improvement model of quality reporting to optimize future Medicare upward payment adjustments.
MBMS Ensures All Clients Are Compliant With The Latest Governmental Regulations And Relevant Industry Changes And The Impact They Can Have On Their Practices.
Our industry-leading MIPS Team evaluates and consults with your practice, providing end-to-end support in building a strategic plan to optimize scoring based on each performance year’s rules, taking advantage of any Upward Payment Adjustment offered by this CMS program. This is accomplished through strategic alignment with selected registry partners, in particular, the ACR, industry consultants, and additional MIPS resources. The MBMS MIPS team speaks at conferences, publishes articles, and hosts webinars to educate and provide practical guidance to our radiology clients across the country.